Community Homes for Opportunity (CHO) is a supportive housing program for people with serious mental illness within the community, who may require a 24-hour supportive care living environment.
The CHO program will be available to individuals within SHIP’s catchment area and is intended to assist tenants by providing appropriate housing and support services within their own community. Desired outcomes include achieving and maintaining housing that is stable, safe and affordable, and promotion of increased quality of life.
Modernization of the Homes for Special Care (HSC) program into the community mental health and addictions supportive housing sector will enhance access to community programs, assisting tenants to live as independently as possible. SHIP’s service approach will include Community Mental Health Counselling, Nursing, Financial Literacy Counselling, as well as coordinating/brokering to other health services.
CHO is person-centred, focusing on and supporting each tenant’s unique and changing needs. The program takes a recovery-oriented approach, offering opportunity for tenants to enhance the quality of their daily living, personal growth and development, and improved life skills through participation in a variety of activities and programs. Tenants will be encouraged to be active participants in their own goal setting and planning, respecting individual choices.